Blessed with a rich natural environment, Toyama Bay is home to a wide variety of seafood that can be caught throughout the year. Toyama Bay Sushi uses only these local products. Please enjoy the fresh, seasonal seafood only available in Toyama.
SayoriJapanese halfbeak
SawaraJapanese Spanish mackerel
MasabaChub mackerel
MuroajiMackerel scad
Shiroebi (nigiri)Broad velvet shrimp
MaajiJapanese horse mackerel
TobiuoFlying fish
Madai (yubiki)Red sea bream(parboiled)
MadaiRed sea bream
ShirogisuJapanese whiting
AkaikaFlying squid
IshidaiStriped beakfish
SurumeikaJapanese flying squid
SazaeTurban shell
Ika kurozukuriSquid in ink
HotaruikaFirefly squid
Schools of firefly squid migrate near the coast to lay eggs from March to early June. Only Toyama serves just-caught, fresh firefly squid.
IwagakiIwagaki oyster
MizudakoGiant Pacific octopus
KohadaYoung gizzard shad
MejimaguroYoung Pacific bluefin tuna
(Kuromaguro)Kuromaguro Pacific bluefin tuna
Pacific bluefin tuna travel the Sea of Japan and arrive at Toyama Bay in summer, to be served as a popular delicacy. The deep red slices with streaks of quality fat are a true luxury.
HirameOlive flounder
Baigai (Oecchubai)Japanese ivory shell
AkadaiRed porgy
KintokidaiRed bigeye
ShiroebiBroad velvet shrimp
The broad velvet shrimp is dubbed the “jewel of Toyama” for the beauty of its transparent pink coloring. Only in Toyama is this mollusk caught in larger volumes as fishing techniques advance.
Saba (shimesaba)Mackerel(marinated)
KurodaiBlack porgy
IshimochiWhite croaker
(Akamutsu) Blackthroat seaperch (Rosy sea bass)
The soft flesh of the blackthroat seaperch is a white yet fatty, and bland yet with a hint of sweetness.
KajikaJapanese fluvial sculpin
SoibachimeFox jacopever
MadakoCommon octopus
ShirosabafuguGreen rough-backed puffer
KoshoudaiCrescent sweetlips
YanagibachimeGoldeye rockfish
MadaraPacific cod
KasagoScorpion fish
KurumadaiJapanese bigeye
HiramasaKing Fish
MaiwashiJapanese sardine
Sakura masuMasu salmon
Masu salmon come back by the time the cherry blossom. It is also referred to as "Hon masu" in the Toyama. In the Toyama bay, high-grade fish boyfriend not only slightly.